2nd Annual Mini-thon This SATURDAY!

By Lia Ma ‘19

Nine hours left!

This is the second year Canterbury School will be holding its Mini-Thon: an “all nighter” where students earn money for Four Diamonds. This event – now becoming a Canterbury tradition – was started last year by Ryan Marks ‘17, when about 150 students raised $14,000. This year, BLANk students will be participating, hoping to raise even more money.

Students and teachers having pizzas.

Four Diamonds is an organization dedicated to helping families of children with childhood cancer. It  assists children and their families through superior care, comprehensive support and innovative research. The Four Diamonds organization is promoting Mini-Thons as an interactive way for students of all ages to help in the battle against childhood cancer at the same time it inspires teamwork, leadership and creativity among the students who plan and participate in them.

This year the event goes from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., which is a four hour earlier start-time than last year’s, which ran from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m.  Mini-thon planners changed the timing this year because staying awake until 10 a.m. proved too grueling.

One of the things that keeps students going through the night is a frequent influx of food. A pizza dinner starts the event, followed by four other big meals, including wings and veggie platters at 9 p.m., mac and cheese at midnight, ice cream sundaes at three a.m. and huge breakfast subs and fruit salads at 5 a.m.

Activities go on all night, including a bouncy house, volleyball, ping-pong, games, and a glow dance party, along with a DJ. New to this year’s Mini-Thon is a coloring station. Meanwhile,  SEC members and other organizers are still exploring new activity options. 

Students playing table soccer.

Making all this happen is Mrs. EJ, Jenna Trezza ‘18, the SEC, Mrs. Ritter, Mrs. Burke and others.

Don’t forget to join the fun Saturday, April 21 at the NAF.

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