Hi all! I’m Lincoln, a teacher’s pet! As my name might suggest, my human is Mr. Ganow. I’m an Alaskan Malamute and despite my big size, I’m only four and a half months old.
I met Mr. Ganow when he was driving through Amish country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and he stumbled on a family selling puppies. Ever since, I have lived in his house in Canterbury!
My new life in Canterbury is nice so far. I stay in the house when he is away…I don’t know what he does when he’s away …I take a nap, play with my favorite toy duck and wait until he comes back.
It’s fun hanging out with Mr. Ganow. He is a strict but fair owner. (At least, that’s what he tells me.) He gives treats for good behaviors. I often hang out with my BFF, Molly, Ms. Vucinich’s dog. I’m going to miss her when she leaves…
I don’t pick favorites so I don’t have a favorite human, but I like anyone who is willing to come and pet me! Living in a boarding school is a different experience. There is so much going on that I’m able to pick up new tricks along the way.
I often go to Mr. Ganow for extra help. He always complains that I only show up right before a test, like his students often do.
My favorite food is puppy chow and rawhide bone…yum! Mr. Ganow hasn’t given me any human food yet, and I am very anxious to try some. Maybe I might get some if I get an A on my next test!
I love walking the back trails. I used to be afraid of the dark, but I’m a big boy now and I’m no longer afraid of the dark!
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