Hi everybody! My name is Tate Elizabeth Milano, and I am five months old. I might just be the youngest person on campus. Some of you may have seen me in the dining hall, or in my stroller with my mommy.
My Dad is a big Patriots fan, in case you couldn’t tell. I’m guessing me becoming a Patriots fan is kind of my Dad’s plan.
I may be little but I have lots of favorite things already. I love bright colors, but I love, love, love the color yellow. Two of my favorite things are Winnie the Pooh and Belle, because they are both yellow.
I also love being read to, and my favorite book is about Winnie the Pooh. I also like listening to my Beauty and the Beast music box. My favorite food is mashed up sweet potatoes (which are also yellow by the way). They taste really good.
Besides eating, I also love going outside. The leaves are changing to my favorite color, and I am so happy. My parents brought me apple and pumpkin picking recently, and it was so much fun! There is always so much going on, and I just love to look at everything, especially when my mommy takes me shopping.
I definitely do not like to sleep at night, which annoys my parents, but I love my naps during the day. I can roll over, and keep myself busy for a little bit, until I get hungry. Then I can have my bottle, or maybe even some more sweet potatoes!
I love hanging out with my older brothers, Oscar (the cat), and Barley (the dog). I like to grab Oscar and pet him because I love him so, so much.
My parents say I’m perfect, even though I don’t like to sleep at night. I usually only cry because I am tired or hungry, so maybe I truly am perfect, like Princess Belle.
So now when you see me around campus, you’ll know all about me.
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