Ms. Ruderman is one of Canterbury’s two new science teachers. She teaches Honors Chemistry and AP Biology. As well as teaching, Ms. Ruderman is a dorm parent in Carter House, and will coach diving in the winter and varsity crew in the spring.
According to Ms. Ruderman, the biggest challenge facing her this year is getting accustomed to boarding school life.
“There is so much to do [within the school], but in a positive way,” she said. “Every aspect is enjoyable, but they all add up to a big job.”
She graduated from Wellesley College in 2016 with a degree in Biochemistry, where she was also a member of the rowing team. After graduation, she worked as a research and development associate at a company that made diagnostic tests for infectious diseases.
Despite the fact that she is new to boarding school life, Ms. Ruderman is finding herself at home at Canterbury.
“I love that it is such a community,” she said. “Students here are passionate about learning, and are incredibly involved around campus. Every member of the faculty and staff really care about the students’ success.”
Welcome Ms. Ruderman!
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