On April 29, Canterbury’s Model UN (CSMUN) will attend the Kent School Model UN Conference. Last year, the very same gathering was the first conference ever attended by the fledgling CSMUN.
The conference occurs on the Kent School campus, and like the CSMUN, this is its second year in existence. Allyson Cook, Kent MUN’s Secretary-General, describes last year’s event as “a complete success”. She also comments on the nature of the conference: “KSMUN is committed to small committees filled with active debate. We are a learning conference, striving to challenge students at all levels.”
In other words, no experience is necessary—only an eagerness to participate and learn.
Since last year’s conference, the CSMUN has gained more members and a renewed spirit. Mr. Johnson, the club advisor, and Sabrina Capodicci ‘20, the Secretary-General of the club, walk delegates through each step to make it understandable and painless.
Ji Lee ‘20, CSMUN delegate since fall 2017, vows that “it’s a great place to meet people who share your interests. We discuss issues that are relevant while still having fun.”
At the conference, delegates will have the option of discussing climate change after the Paris Accord, experiencing history in the midst of the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis, or immersing themselves in the fictional world of Game of Thrones. In any of these committees, one is sure to find exciting debate and surprising twists. Throughout the structured discussion, delegates must seek alliances and come to resolutions.
Brunch and refreshments are provided as an extra plus. Only a few spots are available, so contact Mr. Johnson (jjohnson@cbury.org) or the CSMUN Secretary-General (scapodicci20@cbury.org) right away if you are interested! Further information about the conference can be found at the following address: https://www.kent-school.edu/ksmun
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