Hello, I’m Roxie, Mr. Hargrove’s dog. I’m a Corgi girl who is three years old. Mr. Hargrove is my favorite person in the world. He gives me as much love as he can all the time.
Mr. Hargrove got me after Mr. Milano got his dog. He was inspired! You can always find me running around chasing a ball in the back of Sheehan around five or six p.m. My favorite spot at ho
me is the bay window where I can watch all of you walking to class.
Mr. Hargrove describes me as energetic and playful all the time. I do enjoy barking sometimes, and I also like to chew on things. Mr. Hargrove tries to limit me to my special chew toys, but I may have –
accidentally, of course – destroyed some of his shoes and socks. Tennis balls that can fit nicely right in my mouth are my favorite toys of all. And, if you are wondering what I love to eat, I would say pretty much everything.
Please say hello to me whenever you see me around.
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