Ms. Devine is the new French teacher this year for French II and above. Along with teaching French, she has taken over as Yearbook Advisor. Ms. Devine currently resides in Carter House with her dog, Nico, and her two cats, Margot and Candy.
Ms. Devine studied music performance (flute) and classical chamber music and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in music at Bard College. After that, she attended graduate school at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where she studied French.
During graduate school, Ms. Devine taught French to UMass undergraduates, and her first job out of college was teaching English to elementary schoolers grades 1-5 in northern France while living in Douai. Her later jobs included teaching French in a few schools, the most recent being Oakwood Friends School in Poughkeepsie, NY; she has even taught English to adults. In line with her passion for the flute, Ms. Devine has also taught music to middle school children.
According to Ms. Devine, the most interesting thing she has ever done was play the Nielsen Flute Concerto with the American Symphony Orchestra on the night before she graduated from Bard.
Coming into Canterbury, Ms. Devine was most excited about being part of a larger language department. She was also excited to work with talented students. After spending the better part of a school year at Canterbury, Ms. Devine says that her favorite part is living in Carter. She loves the idea of a yearlong sleepover.
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