George Soros, the billionaire financier, once said, “Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition, there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes.” Since everyone has the right to make mistakes, people should not be afraid of sharing their ideas.
The Business Club is a place where you can bring your ideas and everyone can help you develop them, even if you think your thoughts may not have much potential.
It is my belief that in the Business Club, every person will be able to actively participate in discussions, and will help to solve problems which we may encounter in the process of developing our own business ideas and plans. In this way we will all learn a lot of skills, such as the ability of working in a team, analyzing a company, and public speaking.
This is the first year of a Business Club in Canterbury. At the first meeting there were only five members – each one of us excited about our common dream of being successful in the business world. In our first meeting with Mr. Diamond, the club advisor, we discussed next steps.
“Hello guys! What do you want to do in the Business Club? Any ideas?” asked Mr. Diamond. One member said, “I think doing some case studies will help us understand how businesses work and will help us create and develop our own business ideas.”
Mr. Diamond replied, “Good idea! What else?”
The room became so silent, I could have heard the sound of a mosquito waving its wings. I raised my hand and said, “I agree with the idea of doing case studies, but that is not the first step we should do. We should recruit more people in the club for the first step, since we will have more ideas if we have more people.” Everyone nodded.
So, then we brainstormed ideas on how to recruit more people. We agreed to work on the description of the club and then post it on campus info. Moreover, one of us would be in charge with making an announcement in the school meeting so that people knew the existence of the club.
Throughout the whole meeting, I felt that all members, including Mr. Diamond, had enthusiasm for the club. Everyone respected each other and their ideas. After listening to each other, we discussed the pros and cons of each idea and then voted for the most effective one. This is the way a group should work. I am looking forward to a bright future for the Business Club. Please contact myself or Mr. Diamond if you would like to join the Business Club. Together, we can create an experience that could last our lifetimes.
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