This fall, Canterbury’s Media Arts Club was formed. It meets every afternoon and replaces a sport.
In the fall it consisted of nine students who covered a wide range of activities. For example, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the Club dispatched a small crew of students to both livestream and provide commentary on water polo and volleyball matches.
Other students took photos or videos of athletic games to use in future videos for admissions or the advancement office.
The Club works on designing flyers, backgrounds for the live streams, and various other projects, using Photoshop and Illustrator, and uses iMovie to edit videos, insert sound, and put together video clips for both short and long-term projects.
The Club also created original flyers for events, such as the Pink Out, the Haunted House, and t-shirts for the Powderpuff game.
If you have an event you would like a flyer created for, or if you would like to place an advertisement in The Tabard promoting your event, contact the Club. The Club provides digital and print promotional materials for your club, team, event, or organization. This includes logos and designs for flyers, t-shirts, water bottles, or other items.
For more information, email cburymediaarts@cbury.org. And, if you are interested in joining the Club, talk to Mr. Roffe or Mrs. Ding.
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